سه‌شنبه، 19 بهمن 1395
تخمین زمان مطالعه:
موارد بیشتر برای شما

مرتضی باقری

مرتضی باقری

  تاریخ تولد : ۱۳۵۹

  تحصیلات: دکترای مهندسی حمل و نقل

  مرتبه علمی :استادیار

  گروه : مهندسی حمل و نقل ریلی

  Email: morteza_bagheriATiust.ac.ir

  زمینه های تخصصی و تحقیقاتی

 Transportation Safety: road and rail accident prediction, modeling crash risk, highway-railway grade crossing and evaluation of intervention programs

Risk Analysis and Safety Management: quantitative risk analysis, risk uncertainty, engineering risk and reliability

Multimodal Transportation: intermodal freight transportation, hinterland transportation, international freight corridors

Logistics and Supply Chain Management: supply and demand chain design and management, strategic logistics management in supply chain, transport economics and management, city logistics and supply chain security

 سوابق آموزشی

  الف) تحصیلات دانشگاهی

Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Waterloo, Canada,2005-2009

M.Sc. in Management of Transportation & Logistics, Department of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2003-2004

B.Sc. in Railway Transportation Engineering, School of Railway Engineering University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran 1998-2002

  ب ) اشتغال

  عضو هیات علمی، دانشکده مهندسی راه آهن، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران ، از 1/11/89 تا کنون

  ج) سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی

Lecturer, McGill University, May. - Jun. 2010

Prepared an intensive course for 40 undergraduate students in Operations Management, MGCR-472, Section 051 ,40 students

Lecturer, McGill University, Jan. - Apr. 2010

Prepared and conducted lectures for 100 undergraduate students in Operations Management, MGCR-472, Section 001, 35 students and Section 002, 65 students

  سوابق پژوهشی

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Aug.2010 – Dec.2010

Developed an expected risk assessment framework for rail transport of dangerous goods

Developed a comparative assessment framework for the in-transit risks for transporting hazardous materials by road and rail

Presented  results to McGill Transport Group (MTG) in Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Management Science/ Operations Management, Faculty of Business Administration, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, Jul.2010 – Aug.2010

Developed comprehensive risk model for transportation of hazardous material by rail

Presented preliminary results to Management Science group

Co-supervisor (Dr. L. Miranda), Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, McGill University, Quebec, Canada, Apr. - Jul. 2010

Assisted master and undergraduate students Jillian Strauss and Thomas Nosal

Developed a statistical model for accident severity at railroad grade crossing

Research Assistant, Transportation Systems Research Group, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 2005 – Dec.2009

Developed risk model for railway car position along train length to decrease chance of car derailment

Research Assistant, TranSys Research Ltd., Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 2005- Apr. 2006

Analyzed train derailment accidents in the U.S. and Canada as member of research team

Developed statistical model to predict and prevent train derailments

Research Assistant, Port of Göteborg AB, Gothenburg, Sweden, Sept. - Dec. 2004

Conducted feasibility study for implementing Double-Stack Container Trains technology for Swedish Railway as national project funded by European ::::::::::::union::::::::::::

Presented recommendations to senior management team

  الف)مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات بین المللی (ISI, ISC

Eslami Khouzani, A., Golroo, A., Bagheri, M.,  (2016) Railway Maintenance Management Using a Stochastic Geometrical Degradation Model, Journal of Transportation Engineering, DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000903

 Ghomi, H., Bagheri, M., Fu, L., and Miranda-Moreno, L. F., (2016) Analysing injury severity factors at highway railway grade crossing accidents involving vulnerable road users: a comparative study, Traffic Injury Prevention Journal, 10.1080/15389588.2016.1151011

  Minbashi, N., Bagheri, M., Golroo, A., Arasteh Khouy, I., (2016) Use of Power Spectral Density for Effective Turnout Geometry Maintenance, Transportation Research Record 2545, 79-88

Rahbar, M., Bagheri, M., (2015) Risk Assessment Framework for the Risks Associated with Rail Transport of Hazardous Materials: Formulation & Solution, Transportation Research Record  2411,90-95

 Bahramian, Z., Bagheri, M.,(2015) A simulation-based optimization approach for passenger train timetabling with periodic track maintenance and stops for praying, Journal of Modern Transportation: 23 (2) 148–157

 Bagheri, M., Verma, M., and Verter, V., (2014) Transport mode selection for toxic gases: rail or road?, Journal of Risk Analysis, Volume 34, Issue 1, 168–186

 Bagheri, M., Saccomanno, F. F., and Fu, L., (2012) Modeling hazardous materials risks for different train make-up plans, Journal of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 48, 907–918

 Eluru, N.,  Bagheri, M., Miranda-Moreno, L. F.,  and Fu, L., (2012) A latent class modeling approach for identifying vehicle driver injury severity factors at highway-railway crossings,  Journal of Accident Analysis and  Prevention, 47, 119 – 127

  Bagheri, M. , Saccomanno, F. F., Chenouri, S., and Fu, L.,(2011) Reducing the threat of in-transit derailments involving dangerous goods through effective placement along the train consist, Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention:43(3) 613-620

  Bagheri, M ., Saccomanno, F. F., and Fu, L.,(2010)  Effective placement of dangerous goods cars in rail yard marshaling operation, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering: 37(5) 753-762

  Bagheri, M ., (2009) Risk analysis of stationary dangerous goods railway cars: a case study, Journal of Transportation Security: 2 (3) 77-89

  ب )مقالات منتشر شده در کنفرانس های بین المللی داخلی و خارجی

 Bagheri, M., Verma, M., Verter, V.(2011), A comprehensive risk assessment framework for rail transport of hazardous materials, ASCE Conference Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS), Wuhan, China, Published by American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) , 2174-2182,doi:10.1061/41177(415)275

Eluru, N.,  Bagheri, M., Miranda-Moreno, L. F.,  and Fu, L.(2011), A latent class modelling approach for identifying injury severity factors and individuals at high risk of death at highway-railway crossings, ASCE Conference Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS), Wuhan, China, Published by American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), 1584-1599, doi:10.1061/41177(415)201

Bagheri, M., Saccomanno, F.F., and Fu, L. (2009), Risk based model for marshalling dangerous goods railway cars in rail yards, Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB) in Washington DC

Bagheri, M., Saccomanno, F.F., and Fu, L. (2009), Dangerous goods railway car placement model, Proceedings of the 9th International Heavy Haul Conference in Shanghai, 863-871

  ج)کتب منتشر شده

Bagheri, M., Verma, M., Verter, V., An expected risk model for rail transport of hazardous materials, Risk Prevention for Environment and Human Society against Dangerous Goods Transport Accidents and Malicious Intents: Methods and Tools, Springer Book, editors are : E. Garbolino, M. Tkiouat, N. Yankevich and D. Lachtar

  د) عضویت در انجمن ها

Member, Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT).

Member, McGill Transport Group (MTG).

Member, Management Science Research Centre (MSRC), McGill University.

Member, Transportation Association of Canada (TAC).

Member, University of Waterloo Transportation Systems Research Group (TSRG).

Member, American Railway Eng.& Maintenance-of-Way Association(AREMA)

Member, Railway Applications Section (RAS) of INFORMS, USA

Member, Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), USA

Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), USA

Member, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE)

Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Member, Institute of Railway Transportation Engineers, Iran

Member, Iran Logistics Society

  و) داور علمی مجلات

Safety Science

Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering

Transportation Research Record

Journal of Hazardous Materials

Journal of Risk Analysis

Journal of Rail and Rapid Transi

ارسال نظر
با تشکر، نظر شما پس از بررسی و تایید در سایت قرار خواهد گرفت.
متاسفانه در برقراری ارتباط خطایی رخ داده. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید.
موارد بیشتر برای شما